Create large DOS boot CD??
(too old to reply)
Todd Vargo
2009-11-28 04:18:53 UTC
Is there an easy way to make a DOS boot CD with about 5MB of DOS
programs (Ghost etc.).
Bart's way seems complicated..
Is there a simple step by step instruction somewhere??
Bart's way is step by step. I don't even want go into how complicated it was
to do everything manually. The only way simpler is to have someone to do it
for you.
Todd Vargo
(Post questions to group only. Remove "z" to email personal messages)
Tim Meddick
2009-11-27 23:22:32 UTC
Download the program: CDRTools Frontend. (CD Recording Tools)

Download the Full Installer .EXE file:

Or download the ZIP file:

...and in there are options for creating a bootable cd image (either for burning to
cd or just create the image for use with Virtual PC programs). You will also need a
bootable floppy disk image that the software uses to make the cd bootable.

So if you're not used to floppy disk images you will need Winimage as well.


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)
Is there an easy way to make a DOS boot CD with about 5MB of DOS programs (Ghost
Bart's way seems complicated..
Is there a simple step by step instruction somewhere??
Marco A Achury P
2010-01-29 23:32:55 UTC
See at www.freedos.org they have a live-cd with apps that runs on
virtual HD, may be you can customize it
Is there an easy way to make a DOS boot CD with about 5MB of DOS
programs (Ghost etc.).
Bart's way seems complicated..
Is there a simple step by step instruction somewhere??