Visual Basic v. 1.00
(too old to reply)
2010-08-03 12:23:42 UTC
Hello, I have found an OLD version of Visual Basic V. 1.00 for DOS.
I have used it many years ago, compiling many Basic programs written by me. It was OK and
it was year 1995.
And yes, I was a lot younger....
Today I have a computer with Windows 7 at 32 bit and i wish to remember the way it works.

But it doesn't work, or I am no more able to compile a Basic file.

I can read and modify that type of files using VB.EXE
For compiling I use BC.EXE as described, but it doesn't create an *.exe file
Could it depend on the operative system?

Someone of you is enough "old" or smart to suggest me something?
Many thanks
Italo (from Italy)
2010-08-03 17:20:32 UTC
Post by italo
Hello, I have found an OLD version of Visual Basic V. 1.00 for DOS.
I have used it many years ago, compiling many Basic programs written by
me. It was OK and it was year 1995.
And yes, I was a lot younger....
Today I have a computer with Windows 7 at 32 bit and i wish to remember the way it works.
But it doesn't work, or I am no more able to compile a Basic file.
I can read and modify that type of files using VB.EXE
For compiling I use BC.EXE as described, but it doesn't create an *.exe
file Could it depend on the operative system?
Someone of you is enough "old" or smart to suggest me something?
Many thanks
Italo (from Italy)
What exactly is happening? Any error messages?
If repetition wasn't a good thing, why would people get married?
2010-08-03 18:59:14 UTC
Post by Auric__
Post by italo
For compiling I use BC.EXE as described, but it doesn't create an *.exe
What exactly is happening? Any error messages?
No, any error message.

This is a screen shot of what happens:

Loading Image...

I already have the ASCII file POW.BAS and the other two files POW.OBJ and POW.LST
At the end of having used BC.exe and written the above names as in the screen shot, there
isn't the file POW.EXE as I expect...

I have uploaded the file POW.BAS here if you could be interested:


It computes all constants to create and solve a power equation after having entered the
couples of empiric or sperimental data - any numbers of couple of data, and any power.
It's in italian sorry, but it's easy to try.
2010-08-03 21:54:15 UTC
Post by italo
Hello, I have found an OLD version of Visual Basic V. 1.00 for DOS.
I have used it many years ago, compiling many Basic programs written by me. It was OK and
it was year 1995.
And yes, I was a lot younger....
Today I have a computer with Windows 7 at 32 bit and i wish to remember the way it works.
But it doesn't work, or I am no more able to compile a Basic file.
I can read and modify that type of files using VB.EXE
For compiling I use BC.EXE as described, but it doesn't create an *.exe file
Could it depend on the operative system?
BC.EXE only creates OBJ, and LST files. Need to use LINK to create
the EXE file from the OBJ file and some libraries.
Post by italo
Someone of you is enough "old" or smart to suggest me something?
Many thanks
Italo (from Italy)
ArarghMail008 at [drop the 'http://www.' from ->] http://www.arargh.com
BCET Basic Compiler Page: http://www.arargh.com/basic/index.html

To reply by email, remove the extra stuff from the reply address.
Sjouke Burry
2010-08-03 23:27:44 UTC
Post by italo
Hello, I have found an OLD version of Visual Basic V. 1.00 for DOS.
I have used it many years ago, compiling many Basic programs written by me. It was OK and
it was year 1995.
And yes, I was a lot younger....
Today I have a computer with Windows 7 at 32 bit and i wish to remember the way it works.
But it doesn't work, or I am no more able to compile a Basic file.
I can read and modify that type of files using VB.EXE
For compiling I use BC.EXE as described, but it doesn't create an *.exe file
Could it depend on the operative system?
Someone of you is enough "old" or smart to suggest me something?
Many thanks
Italo (from Italy)
Tested for you on a file demo1.bas in qb45 directory:
bc demo1 answer any questions with enter.
link demo1 answer the same, if problems, try
either BCOM45 or BRUN45 for the lib entry
I am not sure about the 45 in the names,
check the libs you have.

link.exe is below or equivalent linker.
Microsoft (R) Overlay Linker Version 3.69
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1983-1988. All rights reserved.

Al this worked in a cmd XP window,
as well as under dos 6.22 on a dos-only machine.
2010-08-04 14:36:55 UTC
Post by Sjouke Burry
Post by italo
Hello, I have found an OLD version of Visual Basic V. 1.00 for DOS.
I have used it many years ago, compiling many Basic programs written by
me. It was OK and it was year 1995.
And yes, I was a lot younger....
Today I have a computer with Windows 7 at 32 bit and i wish to remember the way it works.
But it doesn't work, or I am no more able to compile a Basic file.
I can read and modify that type of files using VB.EXE
For compiling I use BC.EXE as described, but it doesn't create an *.exe
file Could it depend on the operative system?
Someone of you is enough "old" or smart to suggest me something?
Many thanks
Italo (from Italy)
bc demo1 answer any questions with enter.
link demo1 answer the same, if problems, try
either BCOM45 or BRUN45 for the lib entry
I am not sure about the 45 in the names,
check the libs you have.
"45" is specific to QuickBASIC 4.5. The appropriate lib would likely be
I'll just trot on down to the end of the line
and wait for my head to explode.