Trying to exec this dos string
(too old to reply)
2010-04-01 21:14:09 UTC
I am trying to execute the dos string below to generate a gpg key
automatically. The process stops and ask for a reply for the key you
want to use. I thought that if I put a 5 in the c:\c\f.tx file that
the --command-file c:\c\f.tx would read it and pass the 5 to dos to
answer the question about what key I wanted to use (RSA). The results
are as below - 3 'Invalid selection.' lines. Can someone tell me how
to reply to the 'Please select what kind of key you want:' prompt?


echo 1234567|gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --gen-key --no-default-keyring --
keyring c:\c\pubring.gpg --secret-keyring c:\c\secring.gpg --command-
file c:\c\f.tx

gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Reading passphrase from file descriptor 0
Please select what kind of key you want:
(1) DSA and Elgamal (default)
(2) DSA (sign only)
(5) RSA (sign only)
Invalid selection.
Invalid selection.
Invalid selection.
2010-04-01 23:34:47 UTC
  I am trying to execute the dos string below to generate a gpg key
automatically.  The process stops and ask for a reply for the key you
want to use.  I thought that if I put a 5 in the c:\c\f.tx file that
the --command-file c:\c\f.tx would read it and pass the 5 to dos to
answer the question about what key I wanted to use (RSA).  The results
are as below - 3 'Invalid selection.' lines.  Can someone tell me how
to reply to the 'Please select what kind of key you want:' prompt?
echo 1234567|gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --gen-key --no-default-keyring --
keyring c:\c\pubring.gpg --secret-keyring c:\c\secring.gpg --command-
file c:\c\f.tx
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Reading passphrase from file descriptor 0
   (1) DSA and Elgamal (default)
   (2) DSA (sign only)
   (5) RSA (sign only)
Invalid selection.
Invalid selection.
Invalid selection.
Actually I am a little confused here. The --command-file c:\c\f.tx
is actually a gpg command. But I still need to know how to reply the
number '5' and hit enter to the dos request of 'Please select what
kind of key you want:'.
Sjouke Burry
2010-04-02 00:10:18 UTC
Post by battles
Post by Landers
I am trying to execute the dos string below to generate a gpg key
automatically. The process stops and ask for a reply for the key you
want to use. I thought that if I put a 5 in the c:\c\f.tx file that
the --command-file c:\c\f.tx would read it and pass the 5 to dos to
answer the question about what key I wanted to use (RSA). The results
are as below - 3 'Invalid selection.' lines. Can someone tell me how
to reply to the 'Please select what kind of key you want:' prompt?
echo 1234567|gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --gen-key --no-default-keyring --
keyring c:\c\pubring.gpg --secret-keyring c:\c\secring.gpg --command-
file c:\c\f.tx
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Reading passphrase from file descriptor 0
(1) DSA and Elgamal (default)
(2) DSA (sign only)
(5) RSA (sign only)
Invalid selection.
Invalid selection.
Invalid selection.
Actually I am a little confused here. The --command-file c:\c\f.tx
is actually a gpg command. But I still need to know how to reply the
number '5' and hit enter to the dos request of 'Please select what
kind of key you want:'.
You actulla have a two-line input,one form the piped echo, and the
one you think comes from the file .
If you put both lines in a text file and use

"your prog with commandline entrys" <c:\c\f.tx

,you can put any number of inputlines in f.tx .
(dont use the quotes).
Paul Bartlett
2010-04-01 23:58:36 UTC
Post by Landers
I am trying to execute the dos string below to generate a gpg key
automatically. [trim]
Can you tell us, please, how this post relates to the BASIC programming
language in MS-DOS and related environments? And please note that a
so-called "DOS window" under any flavor of Windows is not truly MS-DOS
or a related environment. Despite the deplorable confusion of names,
this newsgroup is about the BASIC programming language in DOS
environments, not about basic questions under so-called command windows
under Windows. You might want to ask in a newsgroup such as
alt.msdos.batch.nt, which, despite the name, has to do with batch
questions under later incarnations of MS Windows. Thank you.
Paul Bartlett
2010-04-02 16:47:46 UTC
Post by Paul Bartlett
Post by Landers
I am trying to execute the dos string below to generate a gpg key
automatically. [trim]
Can you tell us, please, how this post relates to the BASIC programming
language in MS-DOS and related environments? And please note that a
so-called "DOS window" under any flavor of Windows is not truly MS-DOS
or a related environment. Despite the deplorable confusion of names,
this newsgroup is about the BASIC programming language in DOS
environments, not about basic questions under so-called command windows
under Windows. You might want to ask in a newsgroup such as
alt.msdos.batch.nt, which, despite the name, has to do with batch
questions under later incarnations of MS Windows. Thank you.
Paul Bartlett
Please excuse me Paul. I have never asked a question in this group
before and I didn't realize how arrogant this group was. I am very
sorry that I bothered you and it will not happen again.
2010-04-03 00:51:10 UTC
Post by Paul Bartlett
Post by Landers
I am trying to execute the dos string below to generate a gpg key
automatically. [trim]
Can you tell us, please, how this post relates to the BASIC programming
language in MS-DOS and related environments? And please note that a
so-called "DOS window" under any flavor of Windows is not truly MS-DOS
or a related environment. Despite the deplorable confusion of names,
this newsgroup is about the BASIC programming language in DOS
environments, not about basic questions under so-called command windows
under Windows. You might want to ask in a newsgroup such as
alt.msdos.batch.nt, which, despite the name, has to do with batch
questions under later incarnations of MS Windows. Thank you.
Perhaps your intent was less confrontational than your article appears.
I certainly don't fault Microsoft for naming this group according to
news group custom, which includes broader categories in the left
portions of the names and progressively narrower descriptions added
after each period/delimiter. Thus the broader "basic." categories for
the two narrower categories of BASIC, those for text based DOS (dos)
environments and "other" environments.

Perhaps a little blame is deserved by whoever though the BASIC acronym,
and its resemblance to the "basic" adjective was so clever.

The intent should be a maximum quantity of people reading the inquiry
who have the experience and or education/training to produce a useful

For those who had cowardly ISPs that stoped mirroring the entire alt.
heirarchy instead of the relatively small quntity of groups that were
justifiably troubling law enforcement officials in several US states,
the availabilty to read and post to TEXT BASED alt. groups in Google
groups and the availability of the .public.windows.cmdprompt.admin and
.public.win3x_wfw_dos groups on this server might be useful for batch
file and other command prompt related inquiries.
2010-04-03 01:20:22 UTC
Post by RobertVA
For those who had cowardly ISPs that stoped mirroring the entire alt.
heirarchy instead of the relatively small quntity of groups that were
justifiably troubling law enforcement officials in several US states,
the availabilty to read and post to TEXT BASED alt. groups in Google
groups and the availability of the .public.windows.cmdprompt.admin and
.public.win3x_wfw_dos groups on this server might be useful for batch
file and other command prompt related inquiries.

